Betting on Dota 2

Betting on Dota 2 is the most exciting betting option on the market. Claim the best welcome bonuses now!

Genre: Multiplayer Online Battle Arena(MOBA)
Format: 5x5
Publisher: Valve Corporation

Dota 2 is one of the most interesting esports to bet on, especially in the MOBA genre. When playing a standard Dota game, a player’s primary assignment is to crumble the main enemy construction called the ancient.  The excitement in this online multiplayer game is top-notch and keeps players are stuck till the end of every single session.

If you would consider betting on Dota 2, then it would be wise to learn all the details beforehand.

Game Exciting Features

    • Multiplayer mode: With Dota 2, more than one person can get in on the thrills as it is  a multiplayer game.
    • Free to download: Many players prefer the option of downloading their favourite games, and Dota 2 allows you to do just that via the steam platform.
    • Character ability boost: Nobody want a dull or boring character as the ultimate goal is to be powerful and efficient enough to win. In Dota 2, a player can improve their hero’s strength via experience points.
    • Dota 2 tournament: All around the world, there are Dota2 competitions and tournaments to partake in and bet on both monthly and yearly.

betting on dota 2

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Gambling guide

In a standard round of Dota 2, the player has a primary objective to destroy the game’s major enemy construction.  This said enemy construction is known as the Ancient, and it is inside the enemy’s base. The base isn’t easy to access, as it is under protection by many towers. Players in this game are divided between two teams (the Dire and the Radiant), each team consisting of five players. 

The teams are not powerless as they assume control of unique heroes, units that have special abilities and independent characteristics. Players do not have to manage the ability their heroes come with naturally as the game gets fiercer.  They have the option to increase the strength of their chosen heroes by winning experience points and purchasing different items. Dota 2 betting is easy and accessible as there are tournaments that take place often.

Dota 2 Tournaments and Events

Since the official release of this game back in 2011 Dota has been at the esports forefront. It boasts of featuring some of the most massive prize pools, courtesy of the use of crowdfunding. Dota 2 developer, Valve, organizes the International, yearly tournament, where professionals compete for a massive crowdfunded prize pool. The 2015 International tournament ended up raking in over $18 million in prize money.

Also is 2015, Valve began to co-host seasonal tournaments of smaller sizes that run on a fixed prize pool. These smaller tournaments are called the Majors, and there are 3 Major tournaments annually. Each of these tournaments takes place in a different region, and they lead up to The International. 

Aside from the Valve-sponsored events, other big annual tournaments for Dota 2 are hosted around the globe. Some of such unique tournaments include ASUS ROG DreamLeague, SL i-League StarSeries, The Summit and more. 

Dota 2 Betting Types

One reason why Dota 2 betting is common is that the game and tournaments are fun to watch. Below are the betting options in the Dota 2 betting market:

Match Win bet

The Match win bet is the most common Dota 2 betting type, and it is an outright kind of bet. All you must do is to bet on any team you feel will most likely be victorious in a match.

Map Betting

Map betting is another form of Dota 2 betting that gamblers love. Each session played within a match of three-game or five-game is called a Map. Players can bet on any team that they think will win a Map —  mostly the first or last.

Outright Championship winner

Some players take the risk a bit higher with Dota 2 betting by gambling on whom wins a tournament. This is also an outright bet and comes with really good odds.

Unique Bets Associated with Dota 2 Betting

During big tournaments like the International bettors can find some Dota 2 betting unique options which are fun to try. These Dota 2 betting options include the Most banned and most Picked hero. When gamers select their heroes at the beginning, the more likely support the ones that meet their specific gaming characteristics. A hero such as Pudge or Lion is often picked, while others like Dark Steer and Brewmaster may be ignored.

Map times can also be fun to stake on. This is when a person bets on which Map in a match will last the shortest or longest. If you feel like a game may fall into attrition, then it’s probably worth backing a lengthy Map time.

Like many eSport games similar to Dota 2, betting on the team to complete a specific objective first is common. These and several other unique bets are possible on Dota 2.

Available Dota 2 variant

Dota 2 may have been around for some time, but there are no variants. However, there are updates every once in a while.

Conclusion: Get into the Action

Dota 2 is one of the planet’s biggest computer games and is played by many enthusiastic fans each year. In fact, Dota 2 has grown to become so big that many players have turned professional, making millions of pounds.  With the numerous tournaments that encourage Dota 2 betting, as well as the great odds, fans will continue to increase.



Where can I place bets on Dota 2?

To enjoy good betting action on Dota 2, its important that you place bets with top online esports  bookmakers. You can sign up with 1,2,or 3 for the best Dota 2 betting experience.

Is Dota 2 better than Artifact?

Artifact game is like more like an advanced version of the Dota 2 game. Thus, players or bettors have to decide for themselves, which they prefer after carefully studying both offerings. 

Should I bet on Dota 2?

Yes, you should definitely bet on Dota 2 if you feel up to the task. Betting on Dota 2 is always possible because there are always competitions to bet on.

Where can I watch Dota 2 tournaments? 

Dota 2 tournaments can be watched live on a range of platforms such as and youtube. Valve, the developers of Dota 2 also have an official twitch tv channel.